Thursday, May 24, 2007

Time To Defend What's Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE Rosie O'Donnell, if you don't then get the hell off my blog. I have a burning desire to talk about a real modern day hero, Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie is a beautiful and rare person. She has the courage to speak the truth. Ladies and gentleman we live in the United States of America, the man in charge, George Bush, is destroying our country. It needs be said and continue to be said that our president is wrong, wrong, wrong. He's managed to manipulate our country into an environment of fear and fire up the religious zealots that are nothing short of Nazi like. Thank God for Rosie O'Donnell who has the courage to stand up and speak the truth. Rosie is my voice, If I could go on national TV and speak my truth she and I would sound alike. AND I'm sick of this bullshit media spin. They take one little snippet of what she says, spin it, and completely use her words out of context. Therefore the true meaning of what she's all about gets completely lost. Come on people, the media needs to open their eyes. What ever happened to good old fashioned integrity by doing the job well. Have we become that greedy and insenstive, my God, what does that say about us. There are some serious problems with this country and they start with that jug-head of a president and perpetuated by our pansy-ass, money grubbing, sorry ass of an excuse for a press. Excuse my mouth but we need to wake the fuck up. Thank you Rosie for being a voice in the dark!!!!!!!!!

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