Sunday, May 27, 2007

We had a peaceful Sunday. It started off by waking late. Then it moved to a nice breakfast, movies, internet and some good music. We went to my mother’s house for dinner and ended the day by staying late and chatting for hours. It was enjoyable. I liked the long conversation with my mother, brother and sister. We talked about everything while discussing nothing. Ocasionally Talal would chime in with witty banter. Smiles were plentiful and times were good. I have no real news, just felt the need to be reflective and talk about how much I enjoyed myself. Right now Talal is making our healthy-style home-made pizza. Tonight is going to be a continuation of our relaxing day. Cuddle time on the couch with a good movie. Today was blissful.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Time To Defend What's Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE Rosie O'Donnell, if you don't then get the hell off my blog. I have a burning desire to talk about a real modern day hero, Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie is a beautiful and rare person. She has the courage to speak the truth. Ladies and gentleman we live in the United States of America, the man in charge, George Bush, is destroying our country. It needs be said and continue to be said that our president is wrong, wrong, wrong. He's managed to manipulate our country into an environment of fear and fire up the religious zealots that are nothing short of Nazi like. Thank God for Rosie O'Donnell who has the courage to stand up and speak the truth. Rosie is my voice, If I could go on national TV and speak my truth she and I would sound alike. AND I'm sick of this bullshit media spin. They take one little snippet of what she says, spin it, and completely use her words out of context. Therefore the true meaning of what she's all about gets completely lost. Come on people, the media needs to open their eyes. What ever happened to good old fashioned integrity by doing the job well. Have we become that greedy and insenstive, my God, what does that say about us. There are some serious problems with this country and they start with that jug-head of a president and perpetuated by our pansy-ass, money grubbing, sorry ass of an excuse for a press. Excuse my mouth but we need to wake the fuck up. Thank you Rosie for being a voice in the dark!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Perfect Moment

I've been looking at other blogs and it occurs to me that I use mine like a diary. That's okay, it makes me feel better there are certain things that I want to share about myself. Taking the mundane items from my every day life and recreating them in a blog helps me to understand that my life is not so mundane after all. Yesterday, after I was finished with school, Talal and I went for walk on the banks of the cedar river. About 10 minutes into the walk we got caught in a down poor. We made the dash for a shelter and then it occurred to me that I was having the perfect moment. True, it was raining and cold, however, I was safe under the shelter sitting on a picnic bench. As I listened to the rain pounding down on our reliable aluminum roof it struck me that I was perfectly dry and not being touched by the rain. The cedar river right in front of me and sprawling green grassy hills and lots of trees. It was perfect, I was happy. Talal however wasn’t so happy. I was content to sit there for a while. As soon as the rain went from a down poor to a drizzle Talal insisted that we leave. He was only wearing a t-shirt and was cold. So back to the car we went. As we rounded the last curve I happened to glance at the skyline and there it was right in front of me a double rainbow with absolutely beautifully brilliant colors that arched its way through a misty sky. I was in awe, Talal and I both stood there captivated by the wonder of what we were experiencing. Again the perfect moment, two right in a row. Eventually we got back into the car and turned the heater on full blast and quickly warmed up. As we drove away I felt spec of sadness that my two perfect moments ended so quickly. Today is Sunday morning, it’s been raining again I’m sitting here on the coach with big cup coffee. Talal is in the Kitchen bitching about the forks. Again it’s another perfect moment. There not so far apart really, I just need to pay attention. Peace Out!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I’ve managed to do it two days in a row. Disturb myself by watching a movie. Last nights movie made a big impact on me. Only this time the movie was a documentary and that was even more disturbing. The movie is called Jesus Camp. Without any narration the cameras allow us to watch a female minister as she shapes the minds of the children with flare, showmanship and lots of spiritual muscle. Frankly, she struck me a repressed lesbian. Of course it goes with out saying these religious zealots love George Bush. At one point they have a card board statue of George Bush that’s placed at the front of the chapel. The children are instructed to pray and praise George Bush, as if he were some type of Demi-God. The Children respond by lifting there hands and arms out stretched, eyes closed with a fervent desire to live for, pray for and love George Bush. Additionally the repressed lesbian, head Minster explained that she honors George Bush for being a born again Christian. She continued by saying that his example has been permission giving to the evangelical movement. This movie was disturbing for a few reasons. The militant approach coupled with the absolute belief that they are right and everybody else is wrong. I’m not surprised really so much as I’m sad. As a counselor I understand how denial works and how people are driven by their narrative. What’s bothersome is there absolute desire to condemn anyone who doesn’t conform to their way of belief and they manage to wrap it all up by saying Jesus told them so. Some how I suspect that this isn’t what Christ had in mind. My heart goes out to the children who never had a fighting chance. This stuck me as religious abuse where the children are being taken advantage of. I’ve accepted the fact that Christ true meaning of love, acceptance and understanding has gotten lost over the years. This documentary clearly illustrated how dangerous and disturbing fanaticism is.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It’s true I’ve become a coffee cliché. I just can’t get started until I have coffee. Even worse I’m a Seattle coffee cliché, I must have espresso nothing else will do. I love coffee and I hate Mondays. I like my job but I’m not overly happy to do anything on Monday, they have a tendency to be long and slow. Talal is having a bad day, I tried to make him laugh by saying that I’ve developed a conspiracy theory. I told him that I thought the peanut butter company and the toilet paper company are in cahoots with one other. He didn’t respond. Last night we watched a movie called “A Love To Hide” it was a French film. Normally I can’t stand sub titled movies. However this one was worth it. It was about a gay couple in Paris during the German occupation. The movie clearly illustrated what happened to homosexuals and how they to went to internment camps. I don’t want to minimize anybody else; however, I find it interesting that it’s rarely talked about. As I watched the movie I began to feel a great sadness, my heart hurt. Notably, there’s a strong chance that a bill will be passed in Washington State making domestic partnerships lawful. After watching that movie last night I felt blessed and honored. Many people have gone before me and sacrificed a great deal so that Talal and I may have a modicum of independence. There’s still a lot of room for improvement. Sad to be hated by so many. Today is Tuesday, my big gass bubble from Monday is gone. Last night I drank two diet Pepsi’s and burped my way to well-being. I’m going to wear shorts today. I think it will be a good day, the sun is out, it a nice day to feel good. Peace out!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Today is May 13th, 2007 and it's Mothers Day. Talal and I are making the trip to Bonnie Lake to visit my mother and have lunch. For a gift we bought her a small iron replica of the eiffel tower and a Chocolate Ganache (that’s a fancy way of saying a miniature chocolate cake). When I asked my mother what she wanted for lunch she responded by saying rotissari chicken and French bread. So there you have it, our mothers day theme “A touch of Paris” Talal and I are going to burst through the door singing “Frere Jacques” my only regret is that I don’t have a beret. For the most part I’m anticipating a good day. The nice thing about getting older is that you get along with your parents in an easier way. I love and adore her, we get along quite well, as long as we not living together. That’s the key to a good parental relationship, a nice distance. It keeps my heart fond and attitude good. Happy Mothers Day!

PS my mother Cheryl Pleak and my spouse Talal Hattar. In order to a get a smile out of Talal I had to grab my crouch. Talal smiled, my mother howled.